ZombieGames.net has a huge selection of online zombie games, free online zombie games, Resident Evil online games, and online zombie shooting games. The Resident Evil online games include, Resident Evil Apocalypse, an online zombie game.
Online zombie games refer to zombie games that are played over some form of computer network, most commonly the Internet. The expansion of online gaming has reflected the overall expansion of computer networks from small local networks to the Internet and the growth of Internet access itself. Online zombie games, like Resident Evil, can range from a simple text based online zombie game to zombie games incorporating complex graphics and virtual worlds populated by many players simultaneously. Many online zombie games have associated online communities, making online zombie games a form of social activity beyond single player games.
The rising popularity of Flash online zombie games and Java led to an Internet revolution where websites could utilize streaming video, audio, and a whole new set of user interactivity. When Microsoft began packaging Flash as a pre-installed component of IE, the Internet began to shift from a data/information spectrum to also offer on-demand entertainment. This revolution paved the way for sites to offer online zombie games to web surfers. Many online zombie games like Resident Evil Apocalypse, Boxhead 2, The Last Stand, Autumn War, and Zombie Rampage are free online zombie games where you don't pay to play. They charge no monthly fee and are free for anyone to play online. Many site with online zombie games rely on advertising revenues from on-site sponsors, like Zombie Games, let people play free online zombie games while creating free online signatures and statistics for members. Online games are one of the fastest growing entertainment sources.
Zombie Games has a free online Resident Evil game and also free online multiplayer zombie shooting games. The original Resident Evil made its debut in the U.S. on the Sony Playstation. It was both a critical and commercial success[citation needed], leading to the production of two immediate sequels, Resident Evil 2 in 1998 and Resident Evil 3: Nemesis in 1999, both also for the PlayStation. A port of Resident Evil was released for the Sega Saturn and a port of Resident Evil 2 was released for the Nintendo 64. In addition, ports of all three were released for Windows. The fourth online zombie game in the series, Resident Evil Code: Veronica, was developed for the Sega Dreamcast and released in 2000 (followed by ports of 2 and 3). Sony PlayStation 2 and Nintendo GameCube versions were later produced in the form of an updated version entitled Code: Veronica X.
Despite earlier announcements that the next online zombie game in the series would be released for the PlayStation 2 (which resulted in the creation of an unrelated game titled Devil May Cry) series' creator and producer Shinji Mikami decided to make the online zombie game series exclusively for the Nintendo GameCube. The next three online zombie games in the series: a remake of the original Resident Evil, the prequel Resident Evil Zero (originally planned as a Nintendo 64 game) and Resident Evil 4, were exclusive to the GameCube.
In addition, the console received ports of the previous Resident Evil sequels as they originally appeared on the PlayStation and Dreamcast. The remake and Resident Evil Zero were both released in 2002. Despite this exclusivity agreement between Capcom and Nintendo, Capcom released several titles for the PS2 that were not part of the main storyline. Eventually, Capcom released the GameCube version of Resident Evil 4 in 2005. A PlayStation 2 version was later announced, which launched later the same year with additional supplemental features. A Windows port was released in May 2007, while a Wii version with the PS2 port's extra features and motion sensitive controls was released on June 19th, 2007. IMDB has more information on Resident Evil Apocalypse.
The player takes the role of a nameless Michigan militia member, "one of Earth's toughest, hardened in combat and trained for action", who has been deported to Zombie Land for assaulting a senior officer when ordered to kill unarmed civilians. He is forced to work for Kirtland Community College, a military-industrial conglomerate that is performing secret experiments with teleportation between the moons of Zombie Land, Addicting Undead Arcade and the Last Stand. The Michigan militia member may have been forced into a security or unimportant staff position according to the manual, stating "with no zombies for fifty million miles, your day consisted of playing restricted online zombie games in the rec room."
Suddenly, something goes wrong and online zombies from Hell come out of the teleportation gates, or "Online Zombie Game Portals". A defensive response from online zombie security fails to halt the invasion, and the bases quickly get overrun by zombies; all personnel are killed or turned into zombies. At the same time, Last Stand vanishes entirely. A Kirtland Community College team from Zombie Land is sent to Addicting Undead Arcade to investigate the incident, but soon radio contact ceases and only one human is left alive - the player, whose task is to play online zombie games while alive.
In order to complete the game, the player must fight through three online episodes containing nine levels each. Online Zombie Games of the Living Dead, the first episode and the only one in the free online zombie game version, is set in the high-tech military bases on Addicting Undead Arcade. It ends with the player fighting the Barons of Hell and afterwards entering the teleporter leading to Last Stand, ending with the player getting overwhelmed by monsters and seemingly killed. In the second episode, Zombies of Hell, the player journeys through the Demon world, whose areas are interwoven with online architecture, warped and distorted by the demonic invasion. After encountering the Cyberdemon, the truth about the vanished moon is discovered: it is floating above Hell.
The player climbs down to the surface, and the final episode, Flaming Corpses, begins. After destroying the final boss, the Undead Raper, a hidden doorway opens for the Michigan militia member who has "proven too tough for Hell to contain", leading back home to Earth. The expansion pack Ultimate Online Zombie Games adds a fourth episode, Your Flesh is Tasty, chronicling the Michigan militia member's return to Earth, in other words his adventures between the first three traditional episodes of Last Stand and Zombie Rampage.